Monday, January 7, 2013

Off to Chicago!

Hello everyone!

I hope good health and good times are finding you all.  Well it has been an interesting few days here at the NP to say the least.  We finally have made the last finishing touches on the repairs to the sleigh and Santa's roof.  Zeke is still in the dog house over that whole event.  When will that elf learn? 

Anyway, tomorrow I am off to Chicago for a little shopping for the trip.  Tropical clothing is tough to find at the NP.  I am hoping Veronica can join me, but she is insistent that her manager at Victoria's Secret will not appreciate her taking vacation days before a vacation.  I think that is what sick days are for..... However, I do want her to maintain that discount on the "good stuff."

I can't believe how many things I have had to do to get ready for and arrange the trip.  Vaccinations, meds, clothes, arranging activities and transfers from place to place.  You wouldn't believe how difficult it is to understand the fine people of Thailand on the phone.... tougher than when I have to deal with call centers in India.  But all is arranged, and I am sure it is going to be....... Legen........dary!


1 comment:

  1. Hi Virgil,

    I hope you are having a good time in Chicago. I'm sorry I can't join you there, but my boss needs me here at the store. I'm starting to pack for our trip to Phuket. I'm so excited - I just got a new bikini that I think you'll love! I'm also trying to figure out what one wears when one is elephant trekking.

    Can't wait to see you!
